Thursday, March 1, 2012



You are probably asking, “Who is this to teach about magic?” That is a good question, I am just a man. My education is in the sciences, electronics to be exact. However I come from a family full of magical practitioners. My father was a member of a Hermetic Order. I am now a member of the same Order. My sister is a practitioner of Wicca although she calls it earth magic. And having married into a family from a third world country, I have been exposed to shamanism and folk magic.

This does not qualify me, at all. Having been brought up in America first during the space age. Then I served ten years in the US Navy. After that I attended a fine university and earned a degree. At one time if you had ask me about magic I would have laughed at you.

I became dissatisfied with the evangelical church in America. Therefore I started a study in comparative theology. This led to my studying lots of different philosophies. It was at this time that I started to notice a common thread going through most faiths. It got deeper, every Faith I studied has an element of magic in it.

My science based education didn’t help. I routinely see things happen that have no logical right to happen. Then I noticed people talking about the Law of attraction or the secret. I remembered books like the power of positive thinking. This is when it dawned on me, Magic works sometimes.

Now can we make it work all the time. I will say that the answer is a big resounding Yes. Don’t worry you don’t need to pay me anything or even believe me. If you want to you can leave now and never come back. If you should choose to stay and read on. Rest assured everything I’m going to tell you is something you can try out yourself for free.

One of the requirements of the Order I belong to is we need to pass our knowledge or Gnosis on. This Gnosis must be given away it cannot be sold. Not even in book form, hence this Blog. I will start from a Hermetic background. But I do not maintain that it is the only way to achieve your goal.  Therefore we need a premise to base our hypotheses on.

The principle of Mentalism. The Universe is mental. No, that is not a joke; the Universe is in the mind of the All. Before anything came to be, there is the All. On the other hand, you could say the One Power, God, Goddess , Allah, call it anything you want. Just remember that any name you give it is wrong. The All  is unlimited potential, just like your mind. ( Then God said “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness. Genesis 1:26 NIV) Let me try to explain by giving you an example.

You can imagine anything; the laws of physics do not restrain your imagination. In your mind, anything is possible. The All is the ultimate imagination so it is unlimited potential. As I have said, for some reason the All decided to think of this Universe.

The all exists outside of this universe as well; as this universe exists within the mind of the All. Let me say it this way, all of the Universe is within the All. However, the Universe is not the entire All.

The All created space and time, when still existent outside of it. So for the All there is not time or space, just potential.

You are part of the All and you can touch the All with your mind. We think anyone could do this. However, they choose not to. Thereby limiting their potential. The point of all this is; if you can imagine something while in touch with the All it will manifest in your universe.

Therefore taking this, the first hermetic principle as our starting place. We can look for evidence to back up this statement. I see evidence supporting this in the Quantum enigma or as some call it the duality of sub atomic particle states. If the wave function of a particle does not collapse until it is observed. Then the particles state is dependent on the observer.

The question is not if the tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does still make a sound, but is there even a tree to fall? This question was answered for me by a little jingle.

I find it odd.

Is there still a tree in the quad?

Should no one be about in the quad.

Ah but I am always about in the quad.


Let us take one more leap. If you ask, “So just what is this, that is always about? You have not justified the God hypotheses; we are still on the superimposition of mater. (Mater existing in more than one state or place at a time.)”

I ask you to think about light or radio waves. We are told that they move as a wave. Therefore they need to move through a medium of some sort. Unless they are particles in themselves. It has been demonstrated to me experimentally, that I can prove ether state for them. All depending on how I choose to observe them. I propose the medium is an energy field called the all. This is not so far off as you might think at first. We know that Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state and have an associated zero-point energy, a consequence of their wave-like nature.

The uncertainty principle requires every physical system to have a zero-point energy greater than the minimum of its classical potential well, even at absolute zero. For example, liquid helium does not freeze under atmospheric pressure at any temperature because of its zero-point energy.

The concept of zero-point energy was developed in Germany by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern in 1913, using a formula developed by Max Planck in 1900. The term zero-point energy originates from the German Nullpunktsenergie. The German name is also spelled Nullpunktenergie (without the "s").

Vacuum energy is the zero-point energy of all the fields in space, which in the Standard Model includes the electromagnetic field, other gauge fields, fermionic fields, and the Higgs field. It is the energy of the vacuum, which in quantum field theory is defined not as empty space but as the ground state of the fields. In cosmology, the vacuum energy is one possible explanation for the cosmological constant. A related term is zero-point field, which is the lowest energy state of a particular field.

We have all seen the demonstration of how gravity warps space. They take a rubber membrane and place a heavy ball on it. This deforms the elastic membrane, then when they roll a marble past, it curves around as if it was going into orbit. This should make it obvious that empty space must still contain something to warp. I propose this something is the All, or the zero point field. 

The argument of whether this field is a conscious entity or not is not necessary at this point. We just need to accept it to be there and to be unlimited potential. This brings up the point of entanglement. We each have our own universe and they all touch and overlap. Causing them to be entangled. My universe effects yours and yours effects mine. 
Next we will look at how magic can manifest your desires in your universe.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The term Gnosis or noetic magic.

 From Greek noētikos, from noein to think, from nous the mind. therefor this in magic of the mind as opposed to, Magia. The art that purports to control or forecast natural events, effects, or forces by invoking the supernatural.

Magia was viewed with suspicion by Christianity from the time of the Church fathers. It was, however, never completely settled whether there may be permissible practices, e.g. involving relics or holy water as opposed to "blasphemous" necromancy (nigromantia) involving the invocation of demons (goetia). The distinction became particularly pointed and controversial during the Early Modern witch-hunts, with some authors such as Johanne Hartlieb denouncing all magical practice as blasphemous, while others portrayed natural magic as not sinful.

The O of A has developed a hybrid of Hermetic magic, named after the god.  Hermes Trismegistus (Greek: Ἑρμῆς ὁ Τρισμέγιστος, "thrice-great Hermes"; Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus) is the representation of the syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth.

In Hellenistic Egypt, the Greeks recognized the congruence of their god Hermes with the Egyptian god Thoth. Subsequently the two gods were worshipped as one in what had been the Temple of Thoth in Khemnu, which the Greeks called Hermopolis.

This order of magic differs from the Order of the Golden Dawn. In that it is has less emphasis on ceremony and more on intention. The invocation of angelic names and ceremony are used. However this is mostly to help in visualization.


Tonight’s lesson;  the seven principle of magic.

1.      The principle of Mentalism. The Universe is mental. No, that is not a joke; the Universe is in the mind of the All. Before anything came to be, there is the All. On the other hand, you could say the One Power, God, Goddess , Allah, call it anything you want. Just remember that any name you give it is wrong. The All  is unlimited potential, just like your mind. ( Then God said “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness. Genesis 1:26 NIV) Let me try to explain by giving you an example.

You can imagine anything; the laws of physics do not restrain your imagination. In your mind, anything is possible. The All is the ultimate imagination so it is unlimited potential. As I have said, for some reason the All decided to think of this Universe.

The all exists outside of this universe as well; as this universe exists within the All. Let me say it this way, all of the Universe is within the All. However, the Universe is not the entire All.

The All created space and time, when still existent outside of it. So for the All there is not time or space, just potential.

You are part of the All and you can touch the All with your mind. We think anyone could do this. However, they choose not to. Thereby limiting their potential. The point of all this is; if you can imagine something while in touch with the All it will manifest in your universe.

2.      This brings us to the second principle. The law of correspondence; as above so below. If you can imagine it up here in your mind. Then intend it to be, it will manifest, below in your universe. That is how magic works. Everything else is just for show.

3.      Then comes the principle of Vibration, all mater is vibrating. All mater is energy, remember E=MC2 it is only the frequency of the vibration that is different. The energy will not manifest into solid mater until it is observed by your mind. So if you change the frequency of the mater’s vibration  you change the state of the mater. This is the transmutation of elements.

4.      Now we are at the principle of Polarity. There is no good or bad, hot or cold, truth or falsehood. They are just different extremes of the same thing. If you are a mouse a cat is evil. However if you are a baker trying to earn a living; a cat is your partner keeping the mice out of the stock. It is all a matter of perspective.

5.      Next we get to the principle of Rhythm. The swing of the pendulum to the left is equal to the swing to the right. Everything will balance out. If you make it hot today it will be that much colder some other day. The only time I have seen this to be untrue. Is in relationship to the law of return. You get what you give, reap what you sow. That is why we try to bless everyone even our enemies. Whatever you put out, will come back to you.

6.      The principle of cause and effect. This should be self-evident for every effect there is a cause. For every cause there is an effect. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens by accident. All of our actions have consequences.

7.      In all things we find both male and female quality’s. This is the principle of Gender. We can’t have one without the other.

Now this lesson is through. Remember life is either a grand adventure or nothing at all. So learn to love the adventure, or just learn to love.